Hello! Welcome to my blog. My name is Em and I work as a cook in rural Minnesota where I live with my hubby. I hope you'll enjoy this assortment of random things I like and mini-adventures I'm living.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Episode 19: Two Cents Times a Million

People are people, no matter their age. Some will be kind, curious, rude, condescending, bitter, or funny, and so on. I’m an “old people chef,” and this is my journal.
Every resident has an opinion to share, whether you ask for it or not.
Here’s a collection of real complaints we have received. Many of them contradict each other, as each person has a different definition of “good food.”

Most of them make us laugh. We can’t please everyone.

I wish the oatmeal bowls were smaller.

I only wanted half a grilled cheese!

This soup is way too hot.
This soup is lukewarm.

I’ve had so much scrambled eggs I’m afraid I’ll grow feathers!
I prefer hard boiled eggs.
(On sausage gravy and biscuit day) I prefer scrambled eggs.

These desserts are too big.

I wish you’d used a bigger noodle.
These noodles are too soft.
The noodles are too chewy – look at how everyone is chewing and chewing!

We want more meat and potatoes.
We’d rather have potatoes than rice or pasta.
We have too many mashed potatoes.

The kraut soup is too salty.
The kraut soup is not sour enough.

I really love these chicken strips.
Chicken strips are not an acceptable entrée.

These eggs are not fit.

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